Liquidity Containers

Pool available, emissions

We now support 29 liquidity pairs through our respective partner DEXs - SpiritSwap, SpookySwap, and Beethoven-x, the mim3pool from Curve and 4 single asset from Hundred.Finance.

Users can provide liquidity for the pools in the chosen DEX and stake the LP tokens in Spirit Land, Spooky Island, Magic Land and Beethoven-x to earn LQDR emissions.

The pools also emit Trading Fees that compound into your LP position. The (n)x next to every pair indicates the total LQDR allocated to each pool.

Spirit Land

Shadow Farms V1

These pools use our inSPIRIT holdings from linSPIRIT to boost yields up to 2.5x. As a user, you do not need to hold any SPIRIT or linSPIRIT. The APR you see is already automatically boosted.

Users will not need to hold inSPIRIT themselves to obtain the boost, like they would do on SpiritSwap.

Some of the pools have dual rewards enabled, meaning you earn emissions in form of a second token on top of LQDR.

Spooky Island (to be retired)

The pools in Spooky Land are standard. When you deposit into a pool, we deploy the funds to the respective pool on SpookySwap, earning you LQDR.

Magic Land (retired)

Earn LQDR with a magical mix of three stable coins.

The funds in this pool are deployed to the strategy on Abracadabra. In order to get the liquidity pair, you will have to go through Curve.

Beethoven-x (to be retired)

Earn a steady flow of LQDR emissions in these pools in collaboration with Beethoven-x

This strategy take advantage of Beethoven's regular pools and stable pools. You can deposit unequal amounts of tokens if you create the liquidity pair on Beethoven.

Hundred Finance (retired)

These pools allow you to earn boosted APR paid in HND without locking or holding any HND.

In order to get the respective hTOKEN, you must go to, and enable collateral on the supply market. Once you deposit there, you can stake the hTOKEN (e.g. hUSDC) in our pools.

Check out this article to learn more about Liquidity Mining and how to farm on the Liquid Driver Platform:

Last updated

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